552 Discussion # 2 TA: Guangyu Shi 09/20/2010 ------------------------------------- 0. Quartus II Tips - Change the link for downloading QuartusII web edition (See link correction on the website); - Change the disk from q: to your account disk i: (applies for all course projects) - Choose Cyclone II as your configuration device. (Device influence your timing simulation result) - Compile after creating or modifying your design, before simulation. - When you want to simulate with a new vector wave file, you need to change the target .vwf file in the simulator tool (Processing -> Simulator Tool). Here you can also change the mode of simulation (Timing/Functional) - do not connect bus to single wires without naming them. When you name the bus/wire correctly, you even don't need to connect them. - Quartus II v10 do not support vector wave file any more. If you are using version 10, you either need to find a method to perform timing simulation, or to come back to version 9 1. Homework 1 - p2 jump: when assembly language say j 100, the new PC value will be 400 (if highest 4 bit unchanged), but the machine code is still 100 in the address. This mechanism prevents the program from unalignment problem. - p7(2): Notice that the instruction number has changed. - p5: You are allowed to use $zero and $at. Why not other registers? Overwriting problem. - p6(1): Let's clearify it here. The "peak performance" means the biggest IPS value the computer can achieve (best case instruction sequence). - p4(3): How many data memory references means how many times you access the data memory (lw/sw). - p9: Briefly describe what each instruction does. What this code does is most important for this question. 2. Course materials - 3. Other issues -